What do you get when combine two foodies who also happen to both be travel junkies? The fun loving duo that is Leslie and Kevin! I was extremely honored to be able to capture this little segment of their love story and had such a great time hanging out and enjoying their company.
Leslie and Kevin live in Washington DC but have family in San Diego and share a love for its sunny shores and quirky culture. Balboa Park was the perfect location. I could seriously shoot every session here. Leslie and Kevin made this already beautiful backdrop even more stunning. See for yourself!
Can we just talk about how perfectly Kevin’s tie matches with Leslie’s dress? Props, Kevin… Props.
I love their proposal story! The fact that it took place in two different countries just shows that they definitely have the travel bug. And yeah…it might’ve taken 3 tries for Kevin to get it just right, but third time’s a charm, right?
Try #1: Kevin had had the ring for a few months. In January, after his brother’s wedding in the Philippines, we took a side trip to Bali, Indonesia which is known for their amazing sunsets. He had planned to propose over sunset during our trip, but it kept pouring rain around sun down so he never got the chance to do it there.
There has to be a silver lining in there right?? Oh yeah..side trip to Bali. Just a bit jealous!
Try #2: A month later (weekend before Valentine’s Day), he landed a dinner reservation at this charming, fancy, restaurant called The River Café in NY which sits right underneath the Brooklyn Bridge by the river and has the most spectacular view of the Manhattan skyline. I’ve been wanting to go for years, but it got hit by Hurricane Sandy and they underwent renovations and recently opened back up. He was acting funny all day and wouldn’t tell me where we were going to have dinner but I played along and didn’t find out where until we got to the restaurant. We enjoyed the view over a romantic dinner. He’s a very private guy so I knew he wouldn’t propose in front of everyone at dinner. After dinner, he asked if I wanted to go take a walk in the park. I reluctantly said yes because it was 30 degrees outside and it had snowed in NY two days before so all the park benches were still covered in snow. We walked around for a bit, and I wouldn’t shut up about how cold it was, so he finally grabbed a Lyft and we went back to our hotel.
But New York though. Complete with fancy dinners and romantic views. Sounds like an amazing second go, Kevin!
Try #3: The restaurant had given us mini desserts to take home not knowing he would sneak the ring in there. When we got back to our hotel, he was like “you want some dessert?” I said, “No, I’m full.” Womp. Haha. I eventually made a comment and said something like, “Well I’m glad you didn’t propose to me in front of all those people at dinner..” and then he goes “How ’bout now?” and pulled the ring out from the box and FINALLY popped the question!
There’s something so sweet and so perfect about a proposal that’s just between you and your future fiance. Love it.
Leslie said goodbye to her dress and Kevin ditched his swanky tie and exchanged them for some comfy, cool street wear complete with matching Jordans. The Spanish Arts section of Balboa Park was THE perfect backdrop!
We savored the last few minutes of daylight on beautiful Coronado Island.
Probably my favorite shot from their engagement shoot!
Loved that they were their true genuine selves in front of the camera.
Leslie and Kevin, THANK YOU for allowing me to document your love! I am so excited for your wedding next year!
Happy Tuesday!
What a romantic love story of Leslie and Kevin!
I love these engagement photos! They look so alive!
Justin did a fantastic job!